2020帰国入試、essay writing と面接、予想問題



  1. You woke up to be 55 years old, but surprisingly you can see you as you are in front of you. What advice would you give yourself?
  2. Human beings are trying hard to realize a space trip to Mars as well as saving the earth from global warming. Which do you think is more important?
  3. What is the most impressive event you have experienced in your life?

渋谷系、渋幕と渋渋は、essay writing の予想問題です、洗足学園は面接対策です。他の学校でも、essay writing で出題されますが、上記の3校ほど、合否に影響しないです、

解答例を示してみます、2) だけで、すいません。しかも、語数が全然足りてなくて、さらに、ごめんなさい。アウトラインだけですが、参考にはなる筈です、<(`^´)>(←偉そう)

2) 圧倒的に多い、平凡な答案例、ただし、採点が甘いので、このレベルで大丈夫(1校は、採点が激辛なので、注意)。

Protecting the Earth from global warming is necessary. Human beings live on the earth, and there is nowhere else to inhabit for the time being. In other words, any planet out in space is yet ready for mankind to immigrated to.

The provision of oxygen and food supply is still in a research-level and is sure that global warming paces faster than the time man makes outer space habitat possible.

Therefore, considering the time limit, it is precise to conclude that solving the global warming issue is a top priority.

2) アメリカ、イギリス的な視点で、評価が高い答案、「他にない視点」が高得点な理由です(くどいですが、1校だけ、採点基準が厳しいですので、お忘れなく)。

Choosing to go to Mars is more important. Two reasons to be listed.

The first is that back in the sixties, reaching the moon was still controversial, though, with a strong will and effort, human beings have finally made its way to the moon. Overcoming obstacle taught we human beings on the whole many precious lessons. The same can be expected from the trip to Mars, which is far more complicated a mission than that to the moon.

The second reason is that a new perspective would be given, were mankind to make space exploration. Looking at the Earth from a different angle sure gives a different insight into the majority of people. This new vision is sure to change ordinary citizens’ notions about the Earth. This new tide will make the rise to save the planet we live in, the Earth. That is to put a stop to further global warming.

To conclude my opinion, I support space exploration to Mars.

受験生平均点が高い某中学校、先生の機嫌によって、説明が異なるから、ご存じない方も多いことでしょう、過去3年間では、×、◎、△の順でした。が、データを精査すると、内容は合否に関係ないのか? と矛盾する結果に、おかしいですが、相関係数は低そうです(苦笑)。3度目の言及、採点が厳しい某学校、先生の経歴が、他の先生と明らかに異なるのが原因です、話すと、先生の育ちの良さが理解できて良いですが、チャンスが、なかなか訪れないことでしょう、一般の方には(苦笑)。


