essay writing を、30分350語以内で毎回、書かせています、必然的に予想問題を作ることになり、幾つかを、アップしておきます、
- The number of wild elephants is decreasing because of the rapid development of cities. The area once has been forests now became highways, factories, and houses. Is there any way to save the natural environment for elephants to survive? And what would your idea be to keep its number?
- Switzerland recently decided to stop nuclear power plants. It will generate electricity by winds, heat from the ground as well as burning fissile fuels. What is your opinion about the Swiss government’s decision?
- Write about one daily custom which you would recommend to your cousin who is nine years old.
例) What are you going to bring to your school trip to the art museum?
??? で、採点者が忘れない書き出し、
“A ruler.” 絵を見るときに、大きさを見る、と主張します。変なんだけど、記憶に残ります。でも、書くのが、難しく、教室では教えにくいです、
“A pencil.” メモをとって、絵を観て感じたことをメモします、ここから、話を拡げていきます、
a) 経験を書く、「絵を観るのに飽きて・・・」
b) 過去に観た絵の思い出を書く
c) 絵を見て、感想を書く、ふつう過ぎる内容を淡々と書く