中学受験 英語入試(無学年)、2月の予定
強いて言えば、聖光学院中学校、攻玉社、洗足学園の3校。渋渋、渋幕と他の英語押しの学校(I would not name here, sorry!)は別のファクターで合格者を選抜しています。他のページにつらつらと説明していますので、ご興味おありの方はどうぞ(苦笑)。
授業担当講師の私が英文で書き下ろしました。なので、著作権は私に帰属します(笑)。ただ、link を張るのはご自由に(リンク否認の場合は、すいません)。
英文法的に宜しくない箇所が3箇所あるそうなので(by AI)、今から確認します。AI の設定については、慶応大学で2回出題されています。1回目は入手不可(書店では)、2回目は2年前の出題です。興味おありの方はお調べになられると有益に思います。電気通信大学(国立)では、同趣英語の長文が既出ですが、こちらも、入手不可ですが、最大の欠点は需要がないこと(涙目)。いや、なかったこと(苦笑)。
A brief story of modern computer
In this lecture, a short summary of computer development history is given. Duration time is no more than four minutes. The reason lecture time is so short is the pupils, young as they may be, are still not used to long lectures like the ones given in American universities. Therefore I crafted the story short so that the young learners can keep up with.
Introduction to the bubble economy
A famous economist who won Novel Prize would start out differently. However, the audience of my lecture is primarily elementary school students.
Having referred to this reality, I shall begin with how the price of tomatoes would fluctuate. Let me give an example. In summer it is no difficult to purchase tomatoes. If you have an opportunity to travel rural Japan, you might as well find tomatoes dispatched on the street. There are so many harvested that eventually farmers end up discarding them at the corner of their farm field. What you’re seeing on a hot summer “Obon” day, has reasons to be thrown away. Simply put, supply surpasses demand!
As the students experience my lecture, the stories go into depth.
Summary of the newspaper industry
The history of information, in this class, conveying “new” events to others, dates back to the Stone Age.
However, it is only after modern printing was invented that we as human beings have ever experienced both rapid and broad expansion of information. The lecturer ( ← that’s me who is writing this post (= article in newspaper terms) would refer to the history of newspaper as a typical sample of early information era. Definitely we live in information era!
I must note that the objective of this lecture is to later broaden the perspective of pupils to the potentials of the modern information industry which takes many forms and beyond.
Linguistic development – from age 9 – crucial age
Parents, especially whose children have grown up, need to recall their memory. When the baby had started talking, you were amazed at the wonder of humankind. How brilliant human beings are! The infant learns to speak at an amazing speed.
In this class, general themes researched and studied by academies, universities and medical institutions of all kinds are presented to young learners who are keen to learn.
At the same time, the pupils will gain beneficial knowledge as to effective methods of learning which will flourish them during beyond years to come. I am quite confident at rather this last reality.