渋渋、帰国入試、英語 writing 練習

to be migrated




  1. Some people like movies better than books. Which do you prefer? ( within 120 words)
  2. Now your grandmother accidentally saw your answer sheet. She said, “Oh dear, I have an opposite opinion from you.” Imagine your grandmother’s thoughts and write down on space given. The answer should begin with “Dear, I prefer ・・・” (120 words)



発想力重視の writing 力アップの方法

  1. 講師も生徒と同じ時間に答案を書く(授業時間内に、配布)
  2. 生徒の答案は、良い点を見付けて褒める
  3. 文法、語法、句読点は直さない
  4. 視点が異なる別解も配布する

1 の生徒と同じ時間で答案を書くのが最も効果的です。

解答例) 小学生なので、movie として、

  1. I prefer movies. I like watching movies because they have music and special sound effects. It’s true reading books such as novels does make me more imaginative. However, they hardly give any visual information, so it is our role to think of the scenery or certain places. When I watch movies one of the best features is I can concentrate on the actual story, not imagining the surrounding situation.

一般的には、1 と逆にして

2. Dear, I prefer books. ・・・


books > movies を定石通りに配置するとして、

Dear, I prefer books. Books are easy to carry. We can read them in bed lying, living room sitting in an armchair, even taking a bath. In contrast, movies need to be shown on devices, DVD players, or PCs. We have a limit on where to watch them. Also we need power or perhaps batteries. Therefore I like books better.



Dear, I like movies too. Their audio sound and beautiful camera work are what I like best. What’s the opposite of your opinion is how I read books.I like the smell of ink and paper. It makes me feel like I’m in a school where I had lots of fun. This is what I mean by “opposite.”

